Middle School – Years 7 to 9

Middle School is a time where children enter adolescence and start to develop more mature thinking and physical growth. At the same time it provides opportunity for strong development in creative and critical thinking that will lead to students beginning to understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

During this Middle school period we will provide the students with some choice in their learning along with core study areas; we also wish to continue to challenge them physically though the House Program in the areas of sport and performing arts but also by participation in our excursion program and in a range of extracurricular activities.

This is also a time where friendships can change and more complex emotions can be experienced as students begin to explore what types of adults they may become. A strong connection with their Home group Teacher who will guide them through a Wellbeing program and opportunities to be involved in Leadership programs will provide ongoing support during these years of early to middle adolescence.

Most of all, during this time learning should be engaging, fun, rigorous, flexible and catering to individual needs so that as students leave Middle school they have developed confidence in their ability to navigate Senior school and possible future pathways.

Middle School will provide a safe and respectful learning environment where everyone is ready to learn.