ECSC implements a developmental approach to assessment that is grounded in the belief that every child can improve when they understand their next steps. Teachers create assessment tools that allow students to clearly see the expectations for learning and the steps to get there; this is often in the form of a rubric or skills audit. These are also used formatively, as the learning is occurring, which allows for constructive feedback.
Parents also receive Progress Reports once a term that communicates key information about students academic learning progress and organisational habits. These reports inform our Student Led Conference model held twice a year, where families can book in and speak with their child’s teachers about their progress and next steps.
Students also receive Semester reports which communicate the students achievements against the Victorian curriculum in Years 7-10 or the requirements of the Study design in VCE. The teacher judgements provide families with an indication as to whether their child is performing at an age-expected level, as well as how they have performed in assessment tasks.