The School Wide Positive Behaviour framework is the key pedagogy in setting high learning and behaviour expectations along with promoting inclusion. The College strongly advocates and teaches young people the importance of learning and behaviour routines in order to achieve maximum success at school.
In 2019, the College established a School Wide Positive Behaviour working party which lead to the development of the expectations behaviour matrix; the role of the home group and classroom teacher and House points and rewards system.
The importance of the school values in helping to create a safe and positive climate for learning has been communicated by regular assemblies; newsletters, social media, use of awards and acknowledgements and direct instruction to students.
The College has established a culture of learning where the use of Learning progressions and Developmental rubrics are part of how staff support individual learning and develop differentiated tasks.
The College prides itself on the focus on an increase in formative assessment and an ongoing emphasise on learning growth.
Students have begun to increase their input into developmental rubrics thereby taking further responsibility for their learning.